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What is the TA Program?

This is for dancers interested in being a BDS Teacher’s Assistant! Under direction of the program director and a student teacher, every Pre-TA earns their Teacher’s Assistant Certification by completing a comprehensive online course. Along the way every Pre-TA shadows current TA’s, participates in monthly workshops, and earns the opportunity to assist their own class. This level is a prerequisite for becoming a BDS TA!

Dancers who have passed the TA Certification course become TA’s! TA’s are assigned weekly classes to assist. With help from teachers, fellow TA’s, and the program director, TA’s take skills they’ve learned in their certification and apply them in class. TA’s are held to a high standard at BDS and are expected to act as studio role models. TA’s earn credit to their family account for each class they’re assigned/substitute.

After putting in years of hard work, some TA’s step up to the student teacher level. These dancers have responsibilities beyond their assigned TA classes, including being a Pre-TA mentor and substitute teacher for the studio. Student Teachers are role models for all of our dancers and their fellow TA cohort. They earn credit to their family account for all hours put into their responsibilities.

*** Enrollment in the pre-TA program costs a one time fee of $200. This includes 6 lesson plans with materials and assignments included that take 5-6 months to complete, several one-on-one check-ins with the TA director, and supervision from a student teacher to help them grow throughout the course.

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