Tuition + Fees

2024-2025 Tuition
45-minute class $90
60-minute class $110
90-minute class $165
CLICK for Full Tuition Schedule

Tuition installments are paid monthly, on the first business day of the month.
For a complete list of tuition prices, based on total hours dancer is enrolled, click here.
An annual family Community Level Membership Fee of $65 per family will be charged upon registration.


Payment Information
Tuition is based on STUDENT hours per week and is paid monthly. All accounts are required to be set up for Autopay, using the credit card provided upon registration. The first tuition installment and non-refundable annual family registration fee are processed at the time of enrollment to save your dancer’s place in their class(es). Subsequent auto-pay accounts are processed on the first several business days of every month. Tuition is considered late if payment is not able to successfully process after the 10th of the month, at which time a $30.00 late fee per family will be charged to your account. WE DO NOT BILL UNLESS AN ACCOUNT BECOMES DELINQUENT. Pro-rated tuition will be allowed for enrollments/registration after the first class of the month, but not for missed classes. If the studio needs to close in-person classes due to COVID-19 or another pandemic-related situation, we will immediately switch to Zoom or video classes, and no refunds will be given for virtual classes.

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